Copyright Notice: All stories are copyright ©Rebel Poker.
If you wish you may link to these stories. You may NOT copy, edit or reproduce in full or part.

strip poker stories

Hot car

It had just stopped raining and I was on my way home from work. It was just starting to get dark as I rounded the bend 10 miles from the city. I preferred to live away from my busy job and the horde of humans in the city. Turning the corner toward home, I noticed a blue convertible on the shoulder of the road. "Nice car," I thought to myself. As I got closer, I detected steam coming from the hood of the shiny sports car.

I pulled alongside and saw a perky redhead seated in the front. She had on a pair of cotton shorts and white sandals that matched her sleeveless sweater perfectly. Barely visible was a line under her shorts showing the curve of her thong. One bra strap peeked out from her shoulder. She was wet and pouty.

"Need help?" I shouted over the engine of my truck.
"I guess it's overheating," she said. "Do you know how to fix it?"
"Nope, but I do have a cell phone if you want to call a tow truck."
"That would be great," she said.

She said her name was Lizzie and as she made the call, I opened her trunk to see if she had any engine coolant. The trunk was bare except for a blanket, a deck of cards and her purse.

"You play cards?" I asked as she hung up the phone.
"Thanks for the phone. Yeah, but I only like poker and blackjack."
"Gambling girl, eh? Well, I'm something of a poker player myself. Maybe we ought to get together sometime and play."
"Well the tow service said they'd be at least an hour. Why don't we go over to that grove of trees and play a few hands."
"Oh, I couldn't take your money. That wouldn't be gentlemanly at all."
"Silly, silly. I don't play for money. I play for clothes."


Copyright Notice: All stories are copyright ©Rebel Poker.
If you wish you may link to these stories. You may NOT copy, edit or reproduce in full or part.