Copyright Notice: All stories are copyright ©Rebel Poker.
If you wish you may link to these stories. You may NOT copy, edit or reproduce in full or part.

strip poker stories

The Masterpiece (Bindy the Artist) (script)

Bindy and you are both art students in university. You two have a lot in common. You two always like to draw portraits. You promised to let her draw a portrait of you so long that you could draw hers. So one day she invited you to her studio. She said that she would like to add a portrait of you to her collections, but she wanted a portrait of you NUDE. She challenged you to a game of strip poker. The winner could draw a portrait of the loser nude.

Bindy's lines if you were winning:

1st - I need some money. Here, take my hat. (She removes her hat)
Reverse: Can I have my hat back please?

2nd - This should make me feel a little more comfortable. (She removes her white robe)
Reverse: I think I was getting just a little too comfortable!

3rd - I better not lose again. (She removes her shoes)
Reverse: I told you I won't lose again!

4th - Damn you! Are you cheating? (She removes her bra)
Reverse: Cheaters never get the last laugh!

5th - Now I am naked... (She removes her knickers but covering her crotch)
Reverse: That was close!

6th - Isn't this a work of art? (She spreads her legs open)
Reverse: You gotta try just a little harder next time!

7th - Mmmmm.. I am feeling horny now. (She starts playing with her breast and rubbing her pussy)
Reverse: Come to think about it, I'm not THAT desperate!

8th - I lost... I'm all yours now! (She masturbates some more and then sits still with her legs spread so that you can begin sketching)

Bindy's lines if you were losing:

1st - I will give you some money for that vest. (You remove your vest)
Reverse: Here's your vest.

2nd - Off with the shirt! I wanna see your muscular chest! (You remove your shirt)
Reverse: Can I see that chest just once more?

3rd - You look sexy in your underwear! (You remove your pants)
Reverse: I still think you're sexier in your underwear!

4th - I beat those socks off you this time! (You remove your socks)
Reverse: These socks are kinda stinky anyways

5th - Oh yeah! Boy are you a turn on! (You remove your boxers, covering your private part)
Reverse: That's just gonna turn me off!

6th - Com'on big boy! I can't wait to use THAT paintbrush! (You let go of your hands)
Reverse: You know you can't hide THAT piece of meat from me!

7th - There's no need to be embarassed. Now start stroking it! (You begin to stroke your hard rod)
Reverse: No! Don't stop!

8th - I'm sure you're gonna make a masterpiece baby! (You lost the game and Bindy gets what she wants! You sit there in humiliation while Bindy begins sketching a portrait of you naked!)


Copyright Notice: All stories are copyright ©Rebel Poker.
If you wish you may link to these stories. You may NOT copy, edit or reproduce in full or part.