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strip poker stories

hanna goes bananas

hi there everyone

i want to shear my story about my girlfriend hanna to you all.
it was a hot summer night,and my girlfriend hanna,had went to the shop for some time went by,and she dident come home,i went to take a shower.after finishing,i wrapped a toel around my waste and went into the livingrom,i put on a porn movie to get time going.i started to play with my self,and i was getting real turned on,you could say i had a hard one,he he.then the dorbell rang,there she was,your late i said,oh i dont know,it looks like i came youst in time she said and glansed att the toul,i blushed and laughed att her.please honney sit down on the sofa she said,there is something i like to show you,my dear.ok i said and satt down.she said this is why im late,i hope you will like see i went to a strip bar and watced a show,i liked it so much,so i desided to get one for you.what i said,what do you mean.ok she said and smiled,have you seen a banana this sise before?wow it was so large,the biggest i ever saw before.this show you will neber forget she said.she started to strip for me,real good to,she came over and let me take off her panties,and told me,honey please give me a good worke with your fingers,so i did.suddenly she come all over me dripping everywhere,so waths new i said,we been doing this before.yes she said,but i had to get ready for the next event.then she went back,sat down on the table 2 feet away from me,and wow,she took the banana out and said gett rady honney.she started to push the bib banana up her wet pussy,i was getting so hard i said,you took it all in,she glansed att me whith shiny eyes,did not say anything,i saw the banana youst a litle of it,it was all wet,then she said
i hope you like this honney.oh yeah i said beautiful my dear i love it,ok here comes the suprice she said,she laid back on the table,started to play whith her nipples,and her clit,oh i am getting so hot she said,plase let me see you play whith your dick fore me,i wraped it out,started to rub it,i was getting ready to pop,when she said,please wait for me,il come whith you,ok 10 second i said,she started to rotate her body,almost i said,ok she said here i come she spread her legs and wow,as i ccome she ejected the banana so hard,that it hit my head,wow i said that was something else.she laughed att me,i ran over took her into the bedrom.where i took here from behind,harder she said,ok i got the banana,pushed it up her ass all the way,it was like never before,we both come in a large orgasme,one we wil never forget,i recomend itt to you all.if something like this happen again i promise to get you the story,thats all for now,bye :-))

kindley regards from karl


Copyright Notice: All stories are copyright ©Rebel Poker.
If you wish you may link to these stories. You may NOT copy, edit or reproduce in full or part.